vsmSOUL Seamless Orchestration & Unification Layer



Lawo’s vsmSOUL Seamless Orchestration and Unification Layer adds an overarching orchestration service for IP-based production environments to the VSM control system. vsmSOUL is aware of, and handles, information from all system components. It manages the generation and routing of audio, video, and metadata streams in any multi-vendor IP setup, and is compatible across individual interfaces and technical solutions. vsmSOUL provides a single point of control for any network size and any network topology, seamlessly integrated into vsmStudio and vsmGadgetServer.

vsmSOUL provides the central service for stream routing and resource management across single-switch or spine-leaf infrastructures. It’s vendor-neutral for network nodes and IT switches, is capable of Hitless Merge, and is compatible with industry standards such as NMOS IS-05, SMPTE 2022-6/-7, 2110, AES67 and RAVENNA. Its native switch-API support southbound enables access to multicast routing and native switch functionality, while through vsmStudio, it provides a unified northbound matrix representation of the network, e.g. for automation or scheduling systems. Using standardized or vendor-specific APIs, vsmSOUL accesses switches and network components, including encoding and decoding devices, cameras, multiviewers, processors, switchers, consoles, etc, to directly control the generation, routing and monitoring of streams.